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B-Part Exhibition


Fatima Deutscheskind

B-Part Exhibition
Exhibition opening Friday, 13.01.23, 6pm
Exhibition 14.01 2023 - 18.02.2023.
Opening hours: Wed - Sat, 2 - 6 pm

FC FORZA FATIMA - Dive into the abysses, peaks and valleys of the most powerful secret society on the globe! Meet suspicious honorees and get involved in the association’s charity work (To rescue what, actually? Nature? Culture? Society?) This mysterious association never reveals the secrets of its numerous facets as collaboration partner, brand generator, value accelerator, non-profit organization or sponsors’ sponsor.

Fatima Deutscheskind’s RETROSPECTIVE mainly focusses on the global action of Fatima's association FC FORZA FATIMA. The diversity of the works reflects the widespread commitment of the association: verified maps and postcards show various places around the world associated to the FC FORZA FATIMA - as tribute to one of the honorary members, as charity demonstration of the FC FORZA FATIMA CARE FOUNDATION or simply as a monument of power manifestation.

The work of the association is shown in various art and merchandise products - some of which resemble ready-mades appearing out of place within the exhibition space and - in a higher context -  dissolve the boundaries between the concept of art and commerce products, while

others have been deprived of their actual purpose, such as the series of transparent pillows filled with Austrian organic pine shavings, macerated cattle tube bones or mown artificial grass - wrapped in PVC.

According to her motto "I create reality," Katja Deutschmann displays her alter ego Fatima Deutscheskind’s RETROSPECTIVE in the B-Part Exhibition.

She plays a game with the absurd - A game with truths, assertions, exaggerations, distorted representations, softening and dissolving the harsh boarders of the true and the untrue, the good and the bad.

The exhibition counteracts these antagonisms, which have already been broken down by the posthumanist, feminist theoretical approach of the binary according to Rosi Braidotti and Donna Haraway. Visitors may choose what to believe and what to question.

The exhibition plays with the idea of how far statements and assertions can be taken until skepticism starts to prevail and thus inscribes itself in a larger semantic as well as current context, which is dominated by topics such as fake news and false reports.

The B-Part Exhibition space accompanies the future development of the Urbane Mitte Am Gleisdreieck with artistic autonomy and thus at the same time enters into a dialogue with the overarching themes of the overall project - forms of New Work, Co-working, Culture and Sport - and creates synergies between artistic, cultural and social approaches. The artistic director of the B-Part Exhibition is Rüdiger Lange (loop - raum für aktuelle kunst).