Moving Grounds #3 – ZUkunft HÖREN

Moving Grounds is explored by artist Michaela Nasoetion as an experimental space for play and reflection in order to test the potential of artistic dialogue formats that are not about argumentative, but about personal speaking formulated out of the moment. What is formulated in an open listening space remains consciously open.
The format is based on speaking without intention, but with meaning as direction. Just like hearing without intention, but with full attention. The aim is to create a common space for dialogue in which the participants can recognize something new through their own unique potential of imagination and anticipation. Without the urgency of an immediate reaction, the listener can let the said and the hear have an effect on him and observe which thoughts, evaluations, prepared answers move within him, which usually overlap pure hearing. Through anticipation and listening to potential futures, new ideas and visions can unfold more freely.
Driven by the enriching experiences in such artistic and socially transformative dialogue processes and the desire for further insights, the various dialogue formats are examined and reflected on for their special qualities, their conducive conditions as well as their possibilities of description and documentation (e.g. Dragon Dreaming, Presencing/U-Theory, Bohmscher Dialogue, etc.).
During the two-week period there will be Friday dialogues. The dialogues will be held in german language.
Limited number of participants - please register:
The Friday Dialogues are aimed primarily at Fellows of the Urban Ideation Lab and Culturally active persons from the fields of art, architecture, urban development, but also participants of the Co-Working-Space.
The dialogue formats have already been practised in other contexts and are now to take place in the context of co-working in order to explore the potentials that lie in formulating speaking into an active listening space.
Preliminary Plan
Friday, 18.10.19, 16-19H: Anders Tun Spiel
Friday, 25.10.19, 16-19H: Bricolage
Friday, 1.11.19, 16-19H: Bohmscher Dialog
Anders tun Spiel is a kind of conversation or an unusual way to arrange one's thoughts to questions about Doing and Being Active as it currently appears and how it is imagined in its potentials. In the course of the game, the "conversation picture" on the playing field develops like a mosaic and gains in abundance. The aim of the game is to exchange ideas together and to create a playful approach to a future different way of doing things. The game was developed by the Berlin artists Stefan Krüskemper, Christiane ten Hoevel and Michaela Nasoetion.
Bricolage is an artistic dialogue format in which a dialogue space is created by handling various materials, formulating speech and active listening. Fellows of the Urban Ideation Lab meet with artists* and address an urgent question. This question is generated together at the beginning.
The Bohmscher Dialog is a discussion format in which it is essential to listen. The aim is to keep one's own assumptions and evaluations about the statements in limbo. Thus a discussion space can emerge, in which joint thinking takes place, instead of opposing ideas and well defended views.
Michaela Nasoetion develops aesthetic tools with which she creates spaces for action, imagination and dialogue that enable participants to engage in a special exchange and co-creative action. Typical formats of her cross-media works are participative installations, situational actions and co-laborative workshops.
She studied Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, at the HfbK Hamburg and at Goldsmiths College in London; she has lived and worked in Berlin since 1997.